Tuesday, April 24, 2012

internet radio port

Some of radio stations are firewall-friendly and have radio streaming on http port , so you can listen them behind any firewall.
Usually this station has streaming URL like http://radioserver.com/station1

Non firewall-friendly stations usually has port started from 8000 like 8001,8002, etc.
And has streaming url like where is server-ip and 8023 is port.

Some stations has stream file available for download like .rm or .pls or .m3u .
It's text file , and if you open them in notepad you will see streaming url inside the file like

To check if radio station is available from your network - download port tester from this site and enter streaming server and port and click on Test button.

Pomodoro technique game

chat port

Chat port is different depending on chat type and chat server:
  • web chat Usually it's using port 443 or port 80
  • IRC - Internet Relay Chat Usually it's using port 6667 , but it can be different.
  • Facebook Chat it's using port 5222
Also different messengers using different ports:
  • Yahoo messanger using port 5050
  • MSN messanger using port 1863 or 80

    • You can download port tester from this website and check port availability.

Monday, April 23, 2012

irc port

IRC or Internet Relay Chat server default port is 6667.
But some different irc-servers may use different ports from 6660 to 7000.
To check if IRC port is open :
a.download porttester application from this site.
b.Start it (no installation required) and type irc server name in server box and 6667 in port box.(or other specific IRC port for this server if specified)
c.Click on "Test" button , if server is available you will see "Port is Available" message.
If server is not available you will receive "Port is Not Available".

Pomodoro technique game

http port number

port 80 is default HTTP port number.
When we are typing URL in browser like http://www.google.com , browser application
connecting to server www.google.com port 80.
It's possible to specify other port , in this case URL will be like
http://www.myserver.com:8080/ .
All major web servers has default port 80 as service port.
However if this port is occupied by another application , web server may start on different port.

To check if port 80 is occupied on your computer or to verify if webserver is running.
Download and run porttester, and enter in server textbox localhost and 80 in port textbox.
Then click on Test button.
If server is running on HTTP port you will see Port is not available.